therapist los angeles

Los Angeles Psychologist Dr. Yvonne Thomas Shares Helpful Tips in’s “11 Tricks To Look & Feel Better After A Good Cry, Because Sometimes You Just Have To Let It Out” (09/04/2017)

EXCERPT: Sometimes you just gotta cry. And that’s perfectly OK. But other times, an outpouring of emotion is something worth evaluating. If you think that may be the case, start journaling your post-cry thoughts. As Thomas says, doing so will help you “know what you need to further work on by yourself or with a psychologist.” You…

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a relationship psychologist in Los Angeles

Dr. Yvonne Thomas offers Expertise on’s “Here’s How To Know If Your Relationship Is Equal – And What To Do” (08/28/2017)

EXCERPT: As Yvonne Thomas, Ph.D., says: “ Nowadays, men and women can more freely choose the kinds of lifestyles and jobs they want without these being gender-bound. For example, women can take on jobs once predominantly reserved for men, while men can engage in more domestic activities like cooking, and also spend more time with their…

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Los Angeles psychologist Yvonne Thomas

Los Angeles Based Psychologist, Dr. Yvonne Thomas, Featured On “Don’t Back Down. This Is How To Deal With Hypercompetitive People At Work” (08/21/2017)

Excerpt:  As Los Angeles based psychologist, Yvonne Thomas, Ph.D., explains, because competitive individuals are proactive, productive and creative they evoke energy into the working environment. “Competitive people get things done and have much self-discipline, perseverance, and stamina, typically not giving up easily in the pursuit to be the best at whatever they are aiming for. Because…

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