how to ease your anxiety when your kid goes to kindergarten

Dr. Yvonne Thomas On’s “8 Ways You Can Ease Your Anxiety When You Send Your Kid To Kindergarten” (08/14/2017)

EXCERPT: “You can now have more personal time to take care of yourself and catch up on things and people that you didn’t have time for before,” explains Yvonne Thomas, Ph.D, a Los-Angeles based psychologist. “You need to realize that by letting your child progress developmentally in kindergarten, you can have time to be more than…

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Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Los Angeles

Yvonne Thomas Ph.D, Expert in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Interviewed in’s “What Happened When I Stopped Saying “I’m OK” And Started Being Honest” (08/07/2017)

Excerpt: “From my experience, I have found that people have often been raised to not confide or share feelings which may indicate they are upset or may not doing so well,” said Los Angeles-based psychologist Yvonne Thomas, Ph.D. “Unfortunately, people may still have the misconception that if they share the truth about not feeling or doing okay in…

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anxiety therapist in los angeles

Dr. Yvonne Thomas, a Los Angeles-Based Therapist, Discusses Some Common Symptoms of Depression in’s “Top 10 Signs You Should See A Doctor For Depression” (07/31/2017)

Excerpt: You’re Eating More (Or Less) Than Usual : Depression leaves you withdrawn and checked out, and that can manifest as a loss of appetite. “If your brain is preoccupied with negative thoughts, you may forget to eat or lose interest in cooking or preparing meals,” says Yvonne Thomas, PhD, Los Angeles-based psychologist specializing in depression…

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