Excerpt: “Kick fatigue to the curb with these proven ways to snap out of a fog and feel invigorated all day. From the coworker who always has a sob story to the former roommate who constantly wants relationship advice, some people just suck the life out of you. “Trying to solve someone else’s problems doesn’t just take time, it also depletes mental energy,” explains Yvonne Thomas, Ph.D., an LA-based psychologist. These types of “energy vampires” tend to be chronic complainers as well, she adds, which can quickly sour your mood. While you don’t have to ditch these friends entirely, you should set boundaries, says Thomas. “When they launch into a tale of woe, explain that you only have 10 minutes, so they should give you the short version.” After they state their needs, clarify what you can and can’t do to help them out—and then hold your ground.”
Yvonne Thomas Ph.D. is a Psychotherapist in Los Angeles. To read the full article “10 tips for everlasting energy” visit shape.com