You’re struggling because you can’t see your family this year for the holidays. Or, your job responsibilities have doubled, yet you haven’t been compensated for them. Maybe, your relationship is going through a rocky period. You want to vent to your friends, but you feel guilty about it. This is normal, explains psychologist Dr. Yvonne Thomas, Ph.D., since you may worry about unloading your issues on a pal who is also fighting their own battles. So when they reach out to check-in on you, you give them an ‘I’m fine!’ lie, or you don’t say anything at all.
Instead, Dr. Thomas suggests a healthier alternative: be honest. You can say something along the lines of: “I’m dealing with some issues right now, and I feel guilty sharing them with you when I know you aren’t in the best place either. But if it is okay with you, I would like to reach out to talk about it when I’m ready.”
Yvonne Thomas, Ph.D. is a well known Los Angeles Psychologist. To read the full article “Here’s Why You Don’t Want To Respond To That Text” visit edit.sundayriley.com