Therapist in Los Angeles, Yvonne Thomas, Ph.D. Quoted In “Career Advice That Also Doubles As Dating Advice” on The Ladders (07/23/2018)

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You spend hours getting ready to meet a stranger, hoping you’ll connect with them. And maybe, they’ll like you—and hopefully, you’ll dig ‘em too. You consider what you’ll talk about, where you’ll meet and research what you have in common. You’ve been down this road before, and you know it is unpredictable where it will lead. You battle through the nerves and work up the courage to keep at it, no matter how many times you’re rejected. Are you dating — or applying for a job?

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Know Your Boundaries and Limits

We all have deal breakers in every aspect of your life, whether it is what you’re willing to give in a friendship, settle for in terms of salary or compromise about where you’ll live. Psychologist Yvonne Thomas, Ph.D., explains knowing your boundaries and limits is an important skill set, for both love and career, since it shows emotional health. “If you voice your concern about something serious at work or with your significant other and nothing is done about it, you need to know if and when it’s time to end the relationship or the job,” she says.

Yvonne Thomas Ph.D., is a therapist in Los Angeles. To read the full article “career advice that also doubles as dating advice?” visit