Los Angeles Therapist EXCERPT:
Next time life leaves you in a foul, everything-sucks mood, employ these strategies to get an insta-lift.
Take an iPod time-out. Put in your ear buds, and lose yourself in your favorite tunes. A slower tempo will relax you, but music that’s heavy and throbbing will let you work through anger or annoyance so you can get those negative emotions out of your system quickly, explains Los Angeles psychologist Yvonne Thomas, PhD.
Slick on red lip gloss. Red lips exude confidence and sex appeal. The reaction you get from others will help replace your bad mood with sexy self-assuredness.
To read the full article “Happiness Secrets: Feel-Good Tricks for Blah Days” visit www.cosmopolitan.com.
You can take the first step today and call Dr. Thomas, a Los Angeles Therapist, for a FREE consultation at (310) 359-9450 or CLICK HERE to request an appointment online.