Please watch this video: La Talk Radio – The Polished Woman cohost Yvonne Thomas, Ph.D. (December 17, 2018).

Discussion dealing with grief and loss during the holiday season.

psychologist in los angeles yvonne thomas ph d

Psychologist In Los Angeles Yvonne Thomas, Ph.D. Quoted In “How To Change Your Instagram Settings (And Habits) To Improve Your Mental Health” on (09/09/2021)

EXCERPT: “Limit your Instagram use to 30 minutes a day,” says a Psychologist In Los Angeles If you haven’t tracked how much time you spend on Instagram every 24 hours—there’s an app for that. Literally! Whether you’re Team iPhone or Team Android, both have a well-being app that records how many minutes (or ahem, hours) you…

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Los Angeles Psychologist Yvonne Thomas, Ph.D. Interviewed For “Are You Suffering From Revenge Bedtime Procrastination? Here’s How To Fight It” on (09/02/2021)

EXCERPT: Why is bedtime revenge bad for our health? Though many people hyperfocus on eating well and exercising, sleep is critical to feeling and being well. When we suffer from sleep deprivation, it fundamentally changes our brains since we aren’t giving it the time it needs to rest and rejuvenate, explains psychologist Dr. Yvonne Thomas, Ph.D. “Bedtime…

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Marriage Therapy in Los Angeles ca

Psychologist offering Marriage Therapy In Los Angeles Yvonne Thomas, Ph.D. Quoted In “Getting Married In Your 20s, 30s, and 40s: The Biggest Differences” on (08/26/2021)

EXCERPT How Age Impacts Marriage Generally speaking, Dr. Thomas says age plays a factor in marriage because it can have an impact on how healthy that relationship can ultimately be, and create certain pros and cons for the partners and their union. As an example, when you’re younger, freer of responsibilities, and less jaded from…

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