In the fast-paced city of Los Angeles, the pursuit of dreams and the daily grind can often lead to heightened levels of anxiety. Dr. Yvonne Thomas PhD, a seasoned Los Angeles psychologist, unravels the intricacies of anxiety and offers expert insights on how individuals can navigate this mental health challenge. Join me on a journey…
Please watch this video: La Talk Radio – The Polished Woman cohost Yvonne Thomas, Ph.D. (December 17, 2018).
Discussion dealing with grief and loss during the holiday season.
Keeping the Spark Alive: Tips from The Best Marriage Therapist in Los Angeles
In the dynamic landscape of Los Angeles, maintaining a thriving marriage can be both exhilarating and challenging. Dr. Yvonne Thomas PhD, a seasoned licensed psychologist with over two decades of experience, specializes in relationships and various life challenges. She is excited to share invaluable insights on how couples can not only preserve but enhance the…
The Benefits of Couples Therapy in Los Angeles from an Experienced Therapist
Does it feel like your relationship had something that has since disappeared? Has it seemed as if every interaction with your partner leads to another argument? Every relationship, every strong and loving relationship has its challenges. However, if it seems like your relationship has become nothing but a challenge, Dr. Yvonne Thomas can help. With…