Emotional Growth During The Pandemic
Though it’s still a difficult period currently because of the coronavirus, there are ways to have emotional growth during the pandemic.
Add Depth And Quality To Your Life
Slowing down, spending more time with family, doing projects and crafts, learning new skills, trying new hobbies, etc. can be mentally beneficial. For many people during non-crisis times, life can be so nonstop and chronically fast-paced that they don’t have a healthy, balanced life and/or enough quality time with loved ones.
Reprioritize And Increase The Balance In Your Life
Going through a pandemic can actually give people the opportunity and space they wouldn’t normally have to re-prioritize and change some things for the better to increase the balance and quality of their lives. Engage in activities that, under typical everyday life, might normally be forgotten or marginalized in their importance such as self-care, relaxation, and hobbies while you have this chance. Strengthen your connections to your family and loved ones by proactively having meaningful discussions with them and/or enjoying activities together at home.
Grow Individually And With Loved Ones
The bottom line is that as upsetting and distressing as this difficult period is, one can still grow in emotionally healthy ways both individually and with loved ones. By setting in motion new priorities and patterns to adhere to and follow whether in crisis or non-crisis times, you are hopefully safeguarding the healthy progress you made during the pandemic.
Dr. Yvonne Thomas Ph.D. is a psychologist in Los Angeles who offers counseling services. Schedule a free consultation through the contact form on the website or by calling (310) 359-9450.