Therapist In Los Angeles Yvonne Thomas, Ph.D. Quoted In “To Catch A Cheat” on (10/20/2022)

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Therapist In Los Angeles EXCERPT:

When Tiger Woods’ many indiscretions were discovered, his wife allegedly turned his golf clubs against him, bought a Swedish mansion in her own name—and, perhaps most tellingly, threw out his phone.

As other woman after other woman comes forward, spilling the gory details of her time with Tiger, it seems more and more likely that a telltale text message may be what, in the end, did the big cad in.

Unfortunately, if that’s the case, Elin Nordegren won’t be the first—or the last—spouse to discover her significant other’s dalliances the new-fangled way.

“An intercepted text is the 2010 version of lipstick on the collar,” says Jonathan Alpert, a New York City psychologist, who’s recently seen a spike in clients wrestling with the aftermath of technologically fueled affairs. And the behavior is rampant on both coasts: “More frequently than ever, this is the way people are finding out that their partners are cheating—whether it’s cheating with sex involved or an emotional affair,” says Yvonne Thomas, PhD, a therapist in Los Angeles.

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To take the first step today, call a therapist in Los Angeles with more than 25 years of experience, Dr. Yvonne Thomas, for a FREE consultation at (310) 359-9450 or CLICK HERE to request an appointment online.