With record unemployment rates, budget might be top of mind this holiday season. While high-end gifts likely aren’t necessary or appropriate, small meaningful gifts and handwritten cards will go a long way in helping you and your favorite folks feel loved and valued. If money is extremely tight, it’s still worthwhile to schedule phone calls or events where you can virtually sing songs, talk about funny stories from the past, and stay in touch.
“Especially during the pandemic, when people may be experiencing increased levels of anxiety, stress, helplessness, depression, loneliness, and/or grief, having one’s support system to lean on and give emotional support back to can be very comforting and grounding for each other,” says psychologist Yvonne Thomas, PhD. “You can create new positive holiday memories can be very empowering and uplifting.”
Yvonne Thomas, PhD is a therapist in Los Angeles CA. To read the full article “8 Ways To Cope If You Can’t See Family And Friends This Holiday Season” visit realsimple.com