Surround Yourself With Support
Even if you will soon no longer be a spouse, you’re still a friend. A son … A brother. Psychologist Dr. Yvonne Thomas, Ph.D. suggests that especially during difficult situations, gathering around loving family and friends can help you see how valuable and worthy you are. Separations can make us doubt our self-worth but those who see all of our goodness won’t let us forget what makes us special.
If you need an unbiased, safe space to discuss and dissect your feelings, Dr. Thomas also suggests seeking the help of a therapist. “It is often beneficial to work with a psychologist to help you get back on your feet and to figure out what lessons can be learned from the marriage not working out so that you are less likely to repeat a pattern with a future person of interest,” she explains.
Yvonne Thomas Ph.D. is a Los Angeles therapist. To read the full article “How to Get a Divorce” visit askmen.com