Who is on your hype team? Maybe it’s your childhood bestie, your spouse, or perhaps even your brother. This is your cheer squad, and they can be instrumental in making you feel more confident and loved. As Dr. Thomas says, when you start to feel nervous, or you’re engaging in a cycle of downer thoughts, reach out to your cheer squad for comfort, feedback and motivation. This will speed up the time it takes to go from a poor state of mind to a happier, hopeful one.
Discover your triggers.
Not everything in our life will make us feel unworthy. And not everyone will experience negative thoughts from the same things, either. As psychologist Dr. Yvonne Thomas, Ph.D., explains, we need to know our mental triggers that result in negative self-talk. As you go through your normal routine, pay attention if certain people and/or actions at home or work make you feel on edge.“By knowing who or what can set off this unhealthy thinking, you can take actions to prevent or stop the negative inner dialogue faster and convert it into more positive thoughts,” she explains.
Yvonne Thomas, Ph.D. is a well known Therapist In Los Angeles Quoted In “How To Change Your Inner Dialogue” visit edit.sundayriley.com