Excerpt: If you think the role apps can play in your love life ends with meeting your partner, think again. No matter how long you’ve been together, there’s always an opportunity to connect more deeply. The length of your relationship may even be a signal to try something new. “Unfortunately there is sometimes a correlation;…
Category: Relationship Counseling Los Angeles
Therapist In Los Angeles Yvonne Thomas, Ph.D. Quoted In “How To Talk About Marriage When Dating” on zola.com (02/11/2021)
Therapist in Los Angeles Excerpt: First, it’s important to have a candid talk with your partner about where the relationship is heading and whether you both agree marriage is in the cards. When exactly this conversation should happen is based in part on your age and your priorities. If you’re around 30 or older, it’s…
Los Angeles Therapist Yvonne Thomas, Ph.D. Quoted In “The Psychological Benefits Of An Accountability Partner” on femcity.com (11/06/2020)
EXCERPT: The Psychological Benefits of an Accountability Partner Look at you, with your big audacious — and ahem, totally attainable — goals. We are already so proud of your inspiring visions, your smart goals and your impressive bravery. Though, of course, you can do anything you put your mind to, there is never any harm…